Performance and all this couldn’t exist without a talented conductor, Joachim, a true leader who can take the musicians by the hand to take them wherever he wants, and he takes them because he is a true musician.
Augustin Dumay
October 2014


 I am in admiration of what you have been able to do in such a
short time with our musicians from Vermont. (july 2010, USA). (Translation)
Jean-Claude Pennetier
October 2010


Believe in yourself, it was very good.
(After rehearsal of Don Juan (R. Strauss) with Orchestre National de France)
Kurt Masur
February 09,2008


On August 2003 in the Lucerne Festival, he conducted Pierrot   Lunaire and the Concert op. 24 by Webern, and on this occasion  I  could recognize and appreciate his great talent as a conductor  as well as his most dedicated and active work.(Translation)
Pierre Boulez, March 2004


Joachim Jousse has been selected as assistant of Kurt Masur at  the Orchestre National de France. He passed the audition with  flying colors and having had conduct Mendelssohn "Midsummer's night" dream Ouverture, Beethoven "Egmont  Ouverture" and Tchaïkovsky "Italian Capriccio".
He garnered a unanimous vote from the Orchestra member as  well as Maestro Kurt Masur's and mine.
In a small time lapse he has demonstrated already very  expressive musical qualities.
Didier de Cottignies
General Manager (Orchestre National de France)
April 10, 2006


Joachim Jousse is really well studied conductor "à la française". He has conducted large orchestras and works in Paris and  Schleswig Holstein.
Jorma Panula
December 3, 2001


I have had the pleasure of working with Joachim Jousse, and I  found him to be a most receptive, dedicated, sensitive and  intelligent conductor.
David Robertson, conductor,
April 2000


I have had the opportunity on many occasions to invite Joachim  Jousse to conduct the Orchestra National de Lorraine for local  concerts. Because of his musical and technical qualities, all his  performances had an excellent impact on the public.
Jacques Mercier,
Musical director (Orchestre National de Lorraine)


The singers are accompanied by this orchestra - Les Voyages  Extraordinaires - which is outstanding as much for the orchestral  work as the opera production, conducted by this young conductor  who is building a remarkable career, Joachim Jousse. (Translation)
(Presentation of Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Rossini’s opera)
Eve Ruggiéri
Writer and TV producer
September 2008


Joachim Jousse who graduated from my class in 1999 is a most  intelligent and accomplished musician.
He works well and has the ability to establish good contact with  the musicians he works with. He is a capable versatile conductor.
Janos Furst
April 19, 2000


I know Joachim since the beginning of this school year. I was so  able to appreciate his indisputable musical gifts : ear, taste,  sensibility, as well as his high musical culture due to a very  detailed preparation : writing, analysis, history of the music, etc.
Janos Furst
March 16, 1998